Conference Team Building Events

Conference Team Building Events

It’s company conference time again – so what can you do this year that’s different from last year? How can you include some team activity that not only gives people a break from the presentations and speakers, but also provides an engaging learning activity the team can learn from?

Alison has a passion for experiential learning in its purest sense, in that people learn through doing, discussing, reflecting and trying again. This works really well where there’s a safe environment and when there is no hierarchy or agendas, simply a level playing field.
Team activities with review time have real value. Alison always ensures there is time for discussion and action planning as part of your conference, even if you spend only 10 minutes agreeing one thing to do differently as a team going forward.

Alison ensures your activity is tailor made to your needs and facilitates the conference session in a manner that suits your brand. It’s fun and it’s memorable.


Alison’s team conference activities surface the real behaviours and thoughts and feelings going on for the team. It provides a safe space to reflect and discuss. It creates powerful memories. It means change is more likely to happen.

Team conference activities allow people to relate their insights to real work situations, to connect their learning to teamwork in their business and to have productive discussions.

It is also fun!


Alison has a portfolio of team activities that scale from 10 to 100 people and she has the ideas and inspiration to create new exercises that meet the client’s specific brief. If you have one hour or two days, Alison can work with you to create the conference experience you need.

She harnesses a range of experiential medium including the outdoors which adds a powerful and fun dimension to your experience. She has also designed team conference events using cooking, painting, structure building, drumming and movie making.

Want to do it yourself?

If you have the internal HR or Learning and Development resource to facilitate the conference session but not the activity then why not outsource to Alison? She can provide you with an activity and facilitator guide so that you are prepared and supported to DIY!

Contact Alison to talk about your conference needs and how she may be able to support you.

“Alison is always my first port of call when I require an experiential exercise that illustrates individual strength / development areas and team functioning. Her exercises always hit the mark by allowing individual / team behaviours and functioning to be observed in a natural and dynamic way, while encouraging active learning and participation. Participants frequently comment about how much they enjoyed the exercise(s) but also how much they learned about themselves and the effectiveness of their team.
As a facilitator, outsourcing the development of experiential exercises to Alison is a no brainer. She provides exercises that target the required learning needs with clear and easy to follow instructions. She also considers every eventuality and ensures that I feel prepared and supported as a facilitator to handle the full range of situations that may occur. Overall, the success of my team development workshops has been enhanced by the exercises Alison has provided me with – a real win-win!”

Teresa Callow

TC Consulting
Alison supported our senior leadership team at conference to explore our values and how we work together. Her professional, fun and creative approach helped us to have some courageous conversations to improve our impact as a leadership team.

Jill Borland, 

Sport Canterbury
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